Managed Services and Support

Allow us to handle the time-consuming day-to-day IT tasks, allowing your IT personnel to focus on more important responsibilities. Our managed services and support team are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to make sure you're taken care of.

We’re here to help

Allow our managed services team to take care of the details so you can concentrate on growing your business. We ensure that you have a dependable partner to assume responsibility for defined duties, with fixed fees and agreed-upon service level criteria, so you can be assured that we will be there for you every waking moment.

What are our Managed Services and how can we help?

Our managed services are designed to make getting your business online as simple as possible. It can be difficult to support both your employees and your IT infrastructure. Our team of specialists has a lot of experience that they are eager to share. Perhaps you merely require support for your servers or a help desk for your employees. As a result, we may create a customised agreement that is specific to your company's requirements

How much do our managed service cost?

Our versatility helps in maximizing your savings while maintaining monthly IT costs that are predictable. Our basic service can start as little as $40 per desktop device, depending on your needs. On request, we may provide fully managed solutions.

IT support for Business

Response times and service level agreements (SLAs) are guaranteed with our on-call support services. Feel safe in the knowledge that no matter how big or small the problem is, Truis will be there to assist you.

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